Sunday, August 30, 2009

Madison and God

Last week the girls and I were getting into the car at one of our errand stops.
Kennedy needed to nurse so I brought her around to the front seat with me.
Madison asked why Kennedy got to sit up front.
Mommy: "Kennedy wants some milk"
Madison: "Oh, you have a bottle?"
Mommy: "Yes, remember the Mommy Bottle?"
*remember, Madison started referring to 'the mommy bottles' when we first brought Kennedy home from the hospital
Madison: "Oh, where did you get the Mommy Bottle?"
Mommy: "From God"
Madison: "Oh, I want to go see God"
Mommy: "Not today, Madison. We hope you don't get to see God for a very long time"
Madison: "OK, Can I have a snack?"

1 comment:

Meg said...

Kids are just the best reality check ever! From the mouths of babes :)