Tuesday, September 21, 2010

School 'Conference'

Today when I picked Madison up at school her teacher was talking to another mom. She interupted her conversation as we were turning and said she needed to tell me something. We waited, then heard a story from Miss Elizabeth....
'Today during outside play time I looked over and saw Madison sitting on the ground in front of her friends facing the window (a large mirrored type window) reaching out with her pointer finger and pushing different places on the window. Several of the girls in her class were sitting on the ground slightly behind her. I walked over, sat down with the girls and asked what they were doing. Madison pipped up- we are watching Georgia Football, see? and she pointed to the place on the window she was just touching- like a touch screen tv (which we don't have, by the way).'
Miss Elizabeth couldn't tell the story without laughing.
Not sure what's funnier- Madison corralling her friends or her comment regarding what they were doing. Do you think any of those girls had a clue what she was talking about?

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