Thursday, September 09, 2010

Bikes, Bubble Wrap, and Winter Hats

It's beginning to feel like Fall around here.
Well off and on....100 degree day, then 76 degree day, then 95 degree get the point.
Today was a little chilly. Started in the 50's. By the time we went outside to play it was rapidly approaching 80. Not exactly winter hat weather, but the girls had other plans.

They were convinced it was sub arctic weather.
While Mommy re-organized the remaining pieces of wood for the 'shelf' and worked on some painting projects, the girls played with their bikes/cars.
Madison continued to investigate the shelf and told me the bottom shelf part looks like a picnic table. Hmmmm....

Kennedy thought her chin strap was better as a mouth bit that helped her drive her car.

She also thought the bucket of sidewalk chalk made great luggage for her car trunk.
Not so much.

Don't you love their wild outfits?
The crazy hats made for hot, hot girls so we moved inside for lunch and naps.
Kennedy found a new toy.

Bubble wrap.

If you jump up and down on it while you wait for your sister to finish going potty it makes a great noise!

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