Thursday, November 04, 2010

Ah what a week....

The past three days I've been in bed with aches all over, barely able to make it to the bathroom with liquid coming out of my bottom feeling on the verge of losing my lunch...except I hadn't eaten anything in days. Matthew had to pick up Uncle Matt at the airport Tuesday afternoon. Finally last night I ate a bland dinner and started to feel normal again. Then the pounding headache started. Not much sleep last night and waking to the sound of "Madison, calm down so you don't throw up again". After jumping out of bed to clean up my child and the hard wood floors in the kitchen (thank goodness she made it off the carpet!) we were trying to decide if Madison had such a tantrum she made herself sick...or if she was actually sick. The answer came just a few minutes ago when Madison threw up again, this time on the sofa and carpet and again in the bathroom sink. Her face is puffy, she is pewny and now Kennedy has a runny nose.
Uncle Matt picked a bad week to come visit. Looking forward to things calming down so we can get back on track with updates. In the meantime, back to wiping noses and washing yucky laundry.

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