Sunday, October 17, 2010

Big Girl Panties

Lots to catch up on, but before I forget....
Today is an exciting day! Miss Kennedy decided she wants to wear big girl panties.
For a few weeks now Kennedy asked to go poops in the potty seat before bath time. She's been interested in the potty on and off ever since, we were just too lazy to really pull the trigger and start 'potty learning time'.
Yesterday was a busy day. We spent the morning in Daddy's hangar visiting and seeing his cool airplane for the very first time, then went to a 1st birthday party for our little friend, Maya, and since we were in town we opted for dinner out. Kennedy went potty on 2 different public potties throughout the course of the day and even spent 11 minutes without a diaper (more on that to come!). She thought it was so neat that Mommy and Madison were going and wanted to try it out, too.
After being such a big girl yesterday, she decided to wear a pair of big girl panties we just pulled out of the 2T box of clothes from Madison. We are currently 20 minutes in- so far so good. After 10 minutes (before the 15 minute potty timer went off) Kennedy asked if she could sit on the big girl potty seat. She did and went pee pee.
Here's to the beginning of a diaper-free household!

1 comment:

Emily Zavitz said...

Oh my goodness! Congratulations on the possibility of no more diapers! How exciting to enter the "Ooooh Mommy I gotta go potty RIGHT NOW" phase of life!