Sunday, March 27, 2011

Reason #752 why it's fun to be a Daddy

At the dinner table tonight:
"Hey, Madison- I bet you can't lick your elbow"

Who is sillier- Daddy? or Madison?
*disclaimer: the girls had to ditch dress up to eat- so they ate sans shirts tonight*

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

On the way home from school

Today was a great one.

Madison: 'Mommy, Why don't angels fly in a straight line so we can follow them?'

Mommy:, 'Well, Angels fly all over the place. Some fly in a straight line, but they are invisible so we can't see them.'

Madison: 'I can see them with my ears'

Mommy: 'How can you see them with your ears?'

Madison: 'I have eyes in my ears but they are invisible'

Mommy: 'Ahh...How do you see with the eyes in your ears?'

Madison: 'Like this' (opening eyes super wide and stretching face extra long) 'See, Mommy?'

Oh, it's all so much clearer to me now. Eyes in her ears. Got it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Baby

Kennedy: 'Mommy, will you hold me like a baby?'

Mommy: scooping Kennedy up and cradling her, 'Sure-I miss my little baby'

Kennedy: 'Can you put me in you tummy lika baby?'

Mommy: 'No, but I will keep holding you like a baby as long as you will let me'

Kennedy: 'OK, Mommy- I luz you'

Glad she didn't put up much fight on that one. I miss my sweet baby girls- but not enough to put them back! And I will keep cradling them- as long as they will let me.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I found a new blog this weekend.
She hosts something called embrace the camera on the 10th of each month encouraging mama's to get IN the photo instead of behind the lens.
Upon reviewing a bit of her blog I found something.
The perfect explaination of how I often feel on this little blog.
From now on, I will be blogging moments, not events.
Read here to understand....sounds just like me, huh? The posting part, anyway.
(But don't worry, Aunt Darlene- I'm still going back to post those Halloween pics you never got to see!)

Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Madison: 'Mommy, my teach me how to read (aka Leapfrog Tag Reader) said I earned another reward. Can I Pu-LEASE have my reward now'

Mommy: 'Sure- let's go get the cord and plug it in, but it's not what you think. You are going to be disappointed.'

Kennedy: 'I want to be disappointed, TOOOoooo'.

Ah- What one wants, the other wants. Even when it is ridiculous.