Saturday, August 23, 2008

Super Mom

Since Daddy is sick, Mommy set up camp on the sofa for a few nights. Kennedy's bassinet has a removable base, so she sleeps in the bassinet bed on the living room floor arms length from Mommy. We've done this two nights now and each one is better and better.

Madison has been in her 'big girl' toddler bed for a few months now. The biggest challenge has been Madison getting out of bed and wandering into our room in the middle of the night sometimes. We put a baby gate up in the hall so she can't cruise into the living room and start playing. These midnight runs are few and far between lately- but she does get up between 5-6am to climb into bed with someone and sleep a few more hours. Sometimes Gramm is the lucky one, usually it's Mommy.

Last night we left the gate down to encourage Madison to wander down the hall- bypassing sick Daddy's room, letting Gramm sleep, and coming into Mommy. Well, it worked. Doodle climbed onto the sofa with me at 6am. I was sitting up nursing Kennedy and it didn't even phase Madison. She climbed right into my lap (I was sitting indian style) and curled into a ball across my legs, then crashed out again. I just had to laugh. Sitting is still a bit uncomfortable since delivery so this 'weight' on my legs posed a bit of a problem leaning down to put Kennedy back in her temporary bed. As soon as I did, Madison stretched out over top of me. It's a good thing I can lay on my back again now!

Gramm managed to snap a few pics when Kennedy woke up an hour and a half later to eat again. This is Mommy-playing the role of 'Super Mom!'. tee hee

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