Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gobble Gobble

Which is the bigger Turkey? This year our Tom the Turkey was 26lbs for just our little family. Miss Madison is only 23lbs now. Funny, she looks so much bigger than the turkey. She was signing 'apple' in this photo as she is sitting right next to a plate full. Madison had a great time hanging out beneath our feet in the kitchen as we made Thanksgiving dinner this year. She went from dining room to kitchen saying 'no, no, no' when we weren't paying her enough attention. She also tried taking off her shirt-arms thru the neck of the shirt, and pulling her pumpkin tights off by pulling at her feet. I'm still not sure she realizes the difference between socks and tights.

Daddy taught Madison how to cook a turkey to perfection. She stayed busy until dinner when she enjoyed turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce but went to bed before pumpkin pie time. I'm sure she'll try some for breakfast tomorrow. We wrapped up the night pushing Madison around the house in her favorite, 'vroom, vroom', a Pampers diaper box. Of course she HAD to have all her bears with her too.

We are thinking about taking Madison out for her second Black Friday shopping morning tomorrow. Last year we were in FL. Mommy, Madison, and Uncle Matt met Daddy and Uncle Daniel (they spent the night at Best Buy) at the mall early in the morning for some shopping. We left empty handed, but had fun anyway. Madison hung out with Mommy in her Baby Bjorn. Stay tuned for more info on this years shopping adventure.

1 comment:

Sarah D said...

Madison is the cutest "Turkey" I've ever seen! She is getting soooo big. I wish we could see her at Christmas, but we will be on a family cruise this year! Something different, but exciting! I see that Charlene Lackey red hair coming through! Hope you all are well, Love, Sarah