For months Mommy and Daddy tried to figure out how we could go to Mommy's cousin's wedding in Ohio. Gramm solved the problem. She helped Mommy and Madison fly to Florida the Monday after Mommy's last day at work. We stayed for a day to visit with Grandpa, then Gramm, Mommy, and Madison flew from Florida to Ohio to visit family and go to Jocelyn's wedding. After the wedding the girls flew back to Florida where we stayed for another week to visit with more family and get to know Uncle Daniel's new fiance Abby better.
While in Ohio we stayed with Mommy's Great Aunt Lillian on her farm in Salem, Ohio. We threw a bridal luncheon for Cousin Jocelyn Friday before her wedding on June 23rd. During the trip Madison was just not herself at first. We found a local pediatrician in Salem who helped us learn Madison had her first ear infection. The antibiotics helped and within a couple days she was back to her smiley self.
We wrapped up our visit north by driving over to Pittsburgh to visit our Grammy and Poppy Luty. Madison had a great time swimming in the pool with the Luty's puppies. So much fun, in fact, that we got her the same pool to swim in at home. We also enjoyed a tour of the Homer Laughlin China Factory aka- the home of Mommy's favorite FIESTAWARE!
She picked up two new- not so great- habits on the trip. Madison now hits when she gets over tired and makes a funny pouty face when you tell her No. We still don't know where she picked up these habits, but the face is pretty funny.
We had a great time playing with Aunt Abby. She is so nice and really makes Madison smile. We think Madison likes Abby better than Uncle Daniel. tee hee
Abby helped Mommy re-design Mommy's old bedroom at Gramm and Grandpa's too. No more sunflowers, instead a fun and functional playroom for Madison and any other grandbabies to come. It is so fun with polka dots on the ceiling!
Madison also got to play with Ava, the baby that lives next door to Gramm and Grandpa. Mommy and Madison even got to swim with Ava, 14 months old, and her Mommy, Susan in the BIG pool. Madison just kicked and kicked like she'd been in the pool hundreds of times before. Ava is the baby who gives Madison all the fabulous hand me down hats and shoes. Madison also had a playdate with one of Mommy's high school friends, Linda Kelley and her daugther Reagan, 16 months.
We were sad Daddy couldn't come and missed him So much in the two weeks we were gone. It wasn't too sad to leave though since Gramm and Grandpa already had a trip planned to California for July.
Click for all our trip pics.
While in Ohio we stayed with Mommy's Great Aunt Lillian on her farm in Salem, Ohio. We threw a bridal luncheon for Cousin Jocelyn Friday before her wedding on June 23rd. During the trip Madison was just not herself at first. We found a local pediatrician in Salem who helped us learn Madison had her first ear infection. The antibiotics helped and within a couple days she was back to her smiley self.
We wrapped up our visit north by driving over to Pittsburgh to visit our Grammy and Poppy Luty. Madison had a great time swimming in the pool with the Luty's puppies. So much fun, in fact, that we got her the same pool to swim in at home. We also enjoyed a tour of the Homer Laughlin China Factory aka- the home of Mommy's favorite FIESTAWARE!
She picked up two new- not so great- habits on the trip. Madison now hits when she gets over tired and makes a funny pouty face when you tell her No. We still don't know where she picked up these habits, but the face is pretty funny.
We had a great time playing with Aunt Abby. She is so nice and really makes Madison smile. We think Madison likes Abby better than Uncle Daniel. tee hee
Abby helped Mommy re-design Mommy's old bedroom at Gramm and Grandpa's too. No more sunflowers, instead a fun and functional playroom for Madison and any other grandbabies to come. It is so fun with polka dots on the ceiling!
Madison also got to play with Ava, the baby that lives next door to Gramm and Grandpa. Mommy and Madison even got to swim with Ava, 14 months old, and her Mommy, Susan in the BIG pool. Madison just kicked and kicked like she'd been in the pool hundreds of times before. Ava is the baby who gives Madison all the fabulous hand me down hats and shoes. Madison also had a playdate with one of Mommy's high school friends, Linda Kelley and her daugther Reagan, 16 months.
We were sad Daddy couldn't come and missed him So much in the two weeks we were gone. It wasn't too sad to leave though since Gramm and Grandpa already had a trip planned to California for July.
Click for all our trip pics.
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