An argument that never used to be.
Our mailbox is 5 blocks east and 2 blocks south of us.
Lucky for us it is in the direction of 'town'.
About a month ago- Kennedy changed her mind.
Let me explain-
We used to stop and get the mail every day on the way home from school or errands. We turn off the main road, onto the dirt road where our box is located, pick up the mail, then continue on the dirt roads home to go see a few 'friends'.

First is the llama, then a bit further down the road, past all the horses is the donkey.
Both girls used to ask every day if we could go see the llama. Madison asked if we could get out and feed him, talk to him, pet him. The answer is always- 'no kiddo, we need to get home for lunch and naps. We will ask our neighbors when it gets cooler and we can walk to them'. With excitement we waved to the llama every day.
Then one day, we turned off the mail road to get the mail and Kennedy let out an ear piercing scream followed by "I DON'T WANT GO SEE DA LLAMA AND DONKEY!" We promptly turned the car around, back to the main road and proceeded home. No fuss.
The next day it was the same. This time followed by "NO KENNEDY-I WWAAANNNTTT TO SEE THE LLAMA-YOU STOP HURTING MY EARS!!".
And so it began.
The Daily Llama Drama.
Each day I listened to one or the other yell and scream because they do/don't get to see the llama and donkey. We try to take turns, but sometimes the screams are just too much to handle and the littlest monster wins, followed by a pouting Madison. In the last couple days Kennedy changed up the routine- she screams and says 'no wanna see llama!', then when we turn the car around she screams and says, 'no mommmmmyyyyy- need to see the llama!'.
Ugh- what will they do when we move back to civilization and our daily local zoo is gone?
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